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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Fate and the Artists

Fate and The Artists....

Well, as I said in my first post, I am a college student, Sophomore, 19 years old.
I attend Georgia southern University and I am a double major in Theatre and Journalism.
I am in a dance crew, Euphoria (E4a).
I am in a show choir, Academy of Peforming Arts/Men In Black.

I am what you would call, "an artist."

Now, what's weird is that, my freshman year at Georgia Southern, I was roommate matched to my current roommate,  Tre. He is in the truest sense of the word, an artist. He makes art. He paints and draws, and it is amazing. His main medium is colored pencils....have you ever seen a life-like colored pencil? He's the secretary of the Art League, and his art just made cover page for an art magazine here. Here's his art that won:
 And that was the rough draft...
On top of that he dances as well, he is in The Lotus Crew, and he does poetry/raps. He's really good.

This year we are rooming with two other guys in an apartment.

One of them is Greg.
Greg, doesn't do art, but Greg, is an actor. He's like a budding Robert Deniro (his favorite actor), and he lives in my apartment. He was just nominated for the Irene-Ryan College acting competition based off his acting in a play we just did.

The judges nominated him. That guy, front and center in the newspaper. Greg dances as well, but not as much as me, or Tre. But you know what, Greg sings. When I say Greg sings, he can sing.

The fourth roommate, Stephen, is actually an engineering major...but he is one of the best dancers I've ever seen. Though he claims to have given up, and retired. Check him in his "glory days".

Did I mention Stephen created the Lotus Crew, well Super Lotus is the name.

So there you have it; the artist, the actor, the dancer and me, the intermediary, doing a little bit of all of it. I don't know if fate is real, or the concept that we are all on a pre-destined path.Who knows if we were supposed to meet each other. But the fact that four random guys can find their way to each other, at one random school, with somewhat the same goals in life amazes me. How does that happen? What pulls us there?

When we are all in the apartment together, we don't talk about any of that. It's all mentioned in passing and celebrated with cupcakes Tre brings from work. Tre is a decorator at a Bakery. But when we are all there, we are just four dudes hanging out. Talking about the real world, talking about how getting a full time job is gonna suck, how paying rent, and taxes and all that is gonna suck. We watch movies and eat Chinese food. We talk about girls, and girlfriends, and how no one understands them. We talk about farts and poop and time travel. But that's just how it is.

Quit frankly, I don't know what brought us together in that apartment, fate or coincidence, whatever. But I feel that we control what happens next. We can be as great as we want. I think they all feel that way too.

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