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Saturday, October 27, 2012


     It's been a while since I've posted something. Roughly 3 plus months or so. Now I only have about 2 posts to begin with, and my blog is fairly new. The weight of the neglect is slightly overwhelming. I guess that's why I'm talking about commitment. It is a very powerful thing, and the reason why I haven't been writing as much. I guess it's also the reason I'm writing now. A personal rule of mine is to always finish what you start, meaning that when I do something, I do it all out. I am a bit of a perfectionist as well so it takes a while for me to finish things. As I speak I have about 4 or 5 rough drafts worth of posts that I am still tweaking, making it's perfect for public viewing. But I digress. I've been committed to a lot of things lately, voluntarily and involuntarily, and I've been the busiest I've ever been in my life. I suppose it's good for me.

     Commitment is hard though. It takes a lot of work, will power, dedication and perseverance.  I mean take school as an example. You may not see it this way, but you are committed to school (if you go to school). You wake up early in the morning for what seems like a never-ending period of time and prepare yourself to go to school. That takes will power. That takes dedication like no other. That takes you, willing push yourself to go to class and sit through boring lecture after boring lecture. That's commitment if I ever saw it. For me, it's not only school. I am in four or five organizations which I am highly active with, and even on the leadership. Finding time to do all of it is hard, and it barely fits in my schedule. But I've committed to them, and I will pursue them whole heatedly. 

     But why? Why do all these things, commit yourself, take up your time with these commitments. 

     In my opinions, it's the rewards. I suppose I believe that the rewards far outweigh the costs. Its similar to a relationship. You put in work to get to know someone, stick with them through thick and thin, and all because the rewards of being with that person far outweighs the cost of being with them. The reward for a relationship is love, for school it's knowledge and a better opportunity in life. Unfortunately, I'm no good at relationships. I'm good at doing...stuff, and I don't quite know what the rewards for all I do is, but I believe it's gonna be great.

You know what, I'll let you know when I get them.

p.s. I'll try to have 3 to 5 posts a week from now on.

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