I'm still not exactly sure what to blog about. I mean, I don't know what to say or write about. So for now, I'm just gonna write about what is most on my mind at a given time.
Well today, I'll like to talk about dreams. You know, the fall asleep and lose track of reality type of dream. I've always wondered if dreams had special qualities. Did they solve some sub-conscious problems, did they tell the future, were they a window into our true self, or are they just something to entertain our mind for eight hours a day when everything goes dark. Recently, I've had some weird dreams and I couldn't help but question them. Most of them were unnervingly realistic and the rest were flat out crazy, though I do think they would make a hell of plot to an action movie. As long as you didn't question it.
So about those dreams I've had, let me share with you a few. First off, after I wake up from a really bizarre or important dream, I do my best to try and remember it in detail. As most people know, it's really hard to remember a dream. We lose 50% of a dream about a minute after we wake up, and forget about 90% ten minutes after we wake up, but I tried my best to remember.
My most recent dream, was disturbing. I mean it scared me. And not scared me like, oh my god a ghost, no. Scared me as in, I was scared of myself. The me in that dream. It was a very realistic version me me. And he was angry. So very angry. The circumstances to why he was angry were ridiculous, but the emotion I felt was very real. I wanted to destroy everything. I felt pure contempt, and I know I could have gone further. So much...further. When I woke up, it was still there. All that anger and rage. Then slowly it faded into the recesses of my mind. But I know it's there.
I've discovered that a lot of my dreams tell me about myself. It's interesting. I've been going through a physical and emotional change lately, and it's effected the way I think. That's been reflected in my other dreams. this dream I feel reflects the fact that I've been more open, emotionally lately. Letting in happiness and hints of love here and there. But it seems that cracked a door in my mind to let in, the other emotions. Ones I've had problems with. It also didn't help that I had to play some really angry characters in a few scenes lately. I've had..issues expressing anger, because I don't usually bother with it. But having to find anger so I could play it onstage has changed things. But all this is a lot for one post.
There is one thing I believe dreams do occasionally, and that is they answer questions. They most likely won't be the one plus one equals two type questions, but the are important questions about ourselves. Questions that ask who we are, what do we believe in, and what kind of person we want to be.
Until next time then.
We lose thousands of cells daily from our bodies. Suffice to say, we are never always the same person. That begs to ask then, who am I?
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Sunday, December 16, 2012
Dream a little dream
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
My First Solo Performance
Over the course of a year, I tend to be in a lot of performances, be it Theatre or Showchoir or with my dance crew, Euphoria. And as it turns out to be, there are no records of me doing any of this. Well, here is my most recent performance, and it happens to be my first "solo" performance, dancing anyways. But this is from a variety show that the Theatre department put on at Georgia Southern. But anyways, here it is. My dance skit, entitled 'New Shoes'.
p.s. Overlook my long lanky arms. They are quite disproportionate to my body and tend to....'flail'. I'm hoping one more growth spurt will take care of that, and I'll look normal. Enjoy!!!
p.s. Overlook my long lanky arms. They are quite disproportionate to my body and tend to....'flail'. I'm hoping one more growth spurt will take care of that, and I'll look normal. Enjoy!!!
According to T,
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Acting vs Real World
Everyone knows what the real world is. It's that place where everything you want to happen doesn't happen and the last thing you need to happen does. I mean, it never works the way you want. But that's ok, because again, it's the Real World. Reality is a very exhausting place to be. And when you have to commit yourself fully to it, well sometimes it doesn't seem worth it.
I mention in an earlier post that I was an aspiring actor/dancer. Reality is the worse place to be one of those. In all honesty, the chances of me making to the top as an actor or dancer are rather slim. but I'm banking on the chance I've got. I was talking to my roommate Greg the other about where we want to go in the future with our acting, how far would we like to take it. Of course were both want to be the best, make it to the top; beat the odds and become the greatest of the greats. But as an actor the There is a high probability that we could spend the rest of our acting careers as extras in the background, or doing commercials for erectile dysfunction pills. As unfortunate as that might sound, even the actors doing those commercials are the lucky ones. They made it doing something.
But Greg and I were sitting on our couch and thinking, those people had dreams too. They probably wanted to be the best of the best, be the highest and brightest star in the sky. Yet, the std medication infomercial you see on late night TV may be the highest and brightest they could be.
I am also a little envious of those people, because they are doing what they love to do, although, I'm not sure they love being in an std infomercial, but still. They are getting paid to act. That's the dream. That's the goal. A friend of mine, Corbin, plans on moving to New York I think, after he earns his degree in Musical Theatre. His goal is Broadway. Now his hardships are the same. He knows he's probably looking at a part-time job while going to audition after audition in hopes of breaking into the business. I feel for him, I'm in the same boat. I'm thinking of joining him when the time comes to move on from college.
So until the that day comes when we finally make it big, and get that dream job, it's just gonna be us, the actors, the performers versus the Real World.
I mention in an earlier post that I was an aspiring actor/dancer. Reality is the worse place to be one of those. In all honesty, the chances of me making to the top as an actor or dancer are rather slim. but I'm banking on the chance I've got. I was talking to my roommate Greg the other about where we want to go in the future with our acting, how far would we like to take it. Of course were both want to be the best, make it to the top; beat the odds and become the greatest of the greats. But as an actor the There is a high probability that we could spend the rest of our acting careers as extras in the background, or doing commercials for erectile dysfunction pills. As unfortunate as that might sound, even the actors doing those commercials are the lucky ones. They made it doing something.
But Greg and I were sitting on our couch and thinking, those people had dreams too. They probably wanted to be the best of the best, be the highest and brightest star in the sky. Yet, the std medication infomercial you see on late night TV may be the highest and brightest they could be.
I am also a little envious of those people, because they are doing what they love to do, although, I'm not sure they love being in an std infomercial, but still. They are getting paid to act. That's the dream. That's the goal. A friend of mine, Corbin, plans on moving to New York I think, after he earns his degree in Musical Theatre. His goal is Broadway. Now his hardships are the same. He knows he's probably looking at a part-time job while going to audition after audition in hopes of breaking into the business. I feel for him, I'm in the same boat. I'm thinking of joining him when the time comes to move on from college.
So until the that day comes when we finally make it big, and get that dream job, it's just gonna be us, the actors, the performers versus the Real World.
Fate and the Artists
Fate and The Artists....
Well, as I said in my first post, I am a college student, Sophomore, 19 years old.
Well, as I said in my first post, I am a college student, Sophomore, 19 years old.
I attend Georgia southern University and I am a double major in Theatre and Journalism.
I am in a dance crew, Euphoria (E4a).
I am in a show choir, Academy of Peforming Arts/Men In Black.
I am what you would call, "an artist."
Now, what's weird is that, my freshman year at Georgia Southern, I was roommate matched to my current roommate, Tre. He is in the truest sense of the word, an artist. He makes art. He paints and draws, and it is amazing. His main medium is colored pencils....have you ever seen a life-like portrait...in colored pencil? He's the secretary of the Art League, and his art just made cover page for an art magazine here. Here's his art that won:
And that was the rough draft...
On top of that he dances as well, he is in The Lotus Crew, and he does poetry/raps. He's really good.
This year we are rooming with two other guys in an apartment.
One of them is Greg.
Greg, doesn't do art, but Greg, is an actor. He's like a budding Robert Deniro (his favorite actor), and he lives in my apartment. He was just nominated for the Irene-Ryan College acting competition based off his acting in a play we just did.
The judges nominated him. That guy, front and center in the newspaper. Greg dances as well, but not as much as me, or Tre. But you know what, Greg sings. When I say Greg sings, he can sing.
The fourth roommate, Stephen, is actually an engineering major...but he is one of the best dancers I've ever seen. Though he claims to have given up, and retired. Check him in his "glory days".
Did I mention Stephen created the Lotus Crew, well Super Lotus is the name.
So there you have it; the artist, the actor, the dancer and me, the intermediary, doing a little bit of all of it. I don't know if fate is real, or the concept that we are all on a pre-destined path.Who knows if we were supposed to meet each other. But the fact that four random guys can find their way to each other, at one random school, with somewhat the same goals in life amazes me. How does that happen? What pulls us there?
When we are all in the apartment together, we don't talk about any of that. It's all mentioned in passing and celebrated with cupcakes Tre brings from work. Tre is a decorator at a Bakery. But when we are all there, we are just four dudes hanging out. Talking about the real world, talking about how getting a full time job is gonna suck, how paying rent, and taxes and all that is gonna suck. We watch movies and eat Chinese food. We talk about girls, and girlfriends, and how no one understands them. We talk about farts and poop and time travel. But that's just how it is.
Quit frankly, I don't know what brought us together in that apartment, fate or coincidence, whatever. But I feel that we control what happens next. We can be as great as we want. I think they all feel that way too.
I am what you would call, "an artist."
Now, what's weird is that, my freshman year at Georgia Southern, I was roommate matched to my current roommate, Tre. He is in the truest sense of the word, an artist. He makes art. He paints and draws, and it is amazing. His main medium is colored pencils....have you ever seen a life-like portrait...in colored pencil? He's the secretary of the Art League, and his art just made cover page for an art magazine here. Here's his art that won:
And that was the rough draft...
On top of that he dances as well, he is in The Lotus Crew, and he does poetry/raps. He's really good.
This year we are rooming with two other guys in an apartment.
One of them is Greg.
Greg, doesn't do art, but Greg, is an actor. He's like a budding Robert Deniro (his favorite actor), and he lives in my apartment. He was just nominated for the Irene-Ryan College acting competition based off his acting in a play we just did.
The fourth roommate, Stephen, is actually an engineering major...but he is one of the best dancers I've ever seen. Though he claims to have given up, and retired. Check him in his "glory days".
Did I mention Stephen created the Lotus Crew, well Super Lotus is the name.
So there you have it; the artist, the actor, the dancer and me, the intermediary, doing a little bit of all of it. I don't know if fate is real, or the concept that we are all on a pre-destined path.Who knows if we were supposed to meet each other. But the fact that four random guys can find their way to each other, at one random school, with somewhat the same goals in life amazes me. How does that happen? What pulls us there?
When we are all in the apartment together, we don't talk about any of that. It's all mentioned in passing and celebrated with cupcakes Tre brings from work. Tre is a decorator at a Bakery. But when we are all there, we are just four dudes hanging out. Talking about the real world, talking about how getting a full time job is gonna suck, how paying rent, and taxes and all that is gonna suck. We watch movies and eat Chinese food. We talk about girls, and girlfriends, and how no one understands them. We talk about farts and poop and time travel. But that's just how it is.
Quit frankly, I don't know what brought us together in that apartment, fate or coincidence, whatever. But I feel that we control what happens next. We can be as great as we want. I think they all feel that way too.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
It's been a while since I've posted something. Roughly 3 plus months or so. Now I only have about 2 posts to begin with, and my blog is fairly new. The weight of the neglect is slightly overwhelming. I guess that's why I'm talking about commitment. It is a very powerful thing, and the reason why I haven't been writing as much. I guess it's also the reason I'm writing now. A personal rule of mine is to always finish what you start, meaning that when I do something, I do it all out. I am a bit of a perfectionist as well so it takes a while for me to finish things. As I speak I have about 4 or 5 rough drafts worth of posts that I am still tweaking, making it's perfect for public viewing. But I digress. I've been committed to a lot of things lately, voluntarily and involuntarily, and I've been the busiest I've ever been in my life. I suppose it's good for me.
Commitment is hard though. It takes a lot of work, will power, dedication and perseverance. I mean take school as an example. You may not see it this way, but you are committed to school (if you go to school). You wake up early in the morning for what seems like a never-ending period of time and prepare yourself to go to school. That takes will power. That takes dedication like no other. That takes you, willing push yourself to go to class and sit through boring lecture after boring lecture. That's commitment if I ever saw it. For me, it's not only school. I am in four or five organizations which I am highly active with, and even on the leadership. Finding time to do all of it is hard, and it barely fits in my schedule. But I've committed to them, and I will pursue them whole heatedly.
But why? Why do all these things, commit yourself, take up your time with these commitments.
In my opinions, it's the rewards. I suppose I believe that the rewards far outweigh the costs. Its similar to a relationship. You put in work to get to know someone, stick with them through thick and thin, and all because the rewards of being with that person far outweighs the cost of being with them. The reward for a relationship is love, for school it's knowledge and a better opportunity in life. Unfortunately, I'm no good at relationships. I'm good at doing...stuff, and I don't quite know what the rewards for all I do is, but I believe it's gonna be great.
You know what, I'll let you know when I get them.
p.s. I'll try to have 3 to 5 posts a week from now on.
p.s. I'll try to have 3 to 5 posts a week from now on.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
500 words or less
Hello blogosphere.
Like I said earlier in my first post, I am a college student. A rising sophomore to be precise. And like any other college student, I have quite a bit of writing ahead of me, although, I do like to write. Its one of my better qualities, something I think I'm decent at. And when Journalism is one of your majors, it helps a little.Well I was filling out some essays for scholarships and I'd figured I'd post them. The one I am posting now was a short one. The rules were: 500 words or less, and the topic was a prompt they gave. Its unaltered from when I submitted it, but I think it could be a lot better. Anyways, here it is:
What is Principle and How are principles important in your life?
What is a principle, and how are they important in my life. Well, principles, by definition are the basic truths, rules, and standards by which a person forms his or her character off of. In truth, they are a little more complex than that. I personally consider principles to be more related to a persons morals. They almost work hand in hand. Like morals they give us substance to justify our actions by. They are the hidden rules books buried deep within our subconscious, only truthfully surfacing when we are face with a great dilemma.
Let's say you found a twenty dollar bill on the ground. The problem that challenges our principles, and morals, would be either to look for the bill's owner or pocket the money and be about your merry way. Now this situation isn't a "great dilemma" of sorts, but it is a simplified way of looking at principles without getting into some hot topics. Now, back to the question. What is a principle, it can't just be your morals and your own personal rules to life. Adding to my polygonal concept of principles, they are also one of the barriers separating right from wrong. I think that one thing most people consider principles to be, are set facts. Rules and laws that cannot be changed, like the principle of jet propulsion. But when dealing with the human condition, things are never set stone like that. This is why principles are one of the barriers separating, and often determining right from wrong. They are flexible and sometimes fickle things that allow us to judge...everything. This is what also allows us to be rather biased in certain situations.
Now you might be thinking, this is a rather lengthy report on morals, principles, right and wrong e.t.c. Well, to me, those are the things that make up principles, and vice versa. I cannot talk about principle with out morals and all the others, nor can I talk about them with out talking about principles. What may help understand my view point is changing the perspective on it. The same way principles can be applied to life changing situations, can be applied to opening the car door for a lady to enter, or pulling out the seat for her at the dinner table. The reason I didn't start simple with those analogies is because they are not set. You don't always remember to pull the seat out for the girl, or open the car door. But I suppose you would you would always choose to either keep that twenty or try and find the owner.
Principle are also always important. In my life, they guide my decisions, and lead me to the best course action. Its a little synonymous with Moses, in the bible, climbing the mountain to receive the ten commandments. In the same way, our conscious mind scales the peaks and valleys of our brain to retrieve its commandments, its rules, from our subconscious and true self.
Like I said earlier in my first post, I am a college student. A rising sophomore to be precise. And like any other college student, I have quite a bit of writing ahead of me, although, I do like to write. Its one of my better qualities, something I think I'm decent at. And when Journalism is one of your majors, it helps a little.Well I was filling out some essays for scholarships and I'd figured I'd post them. The one I am posting now was a short one. The rules were: 500 words or less, and the topic was a prompt they gave. Its unaltered from when I submitted it, but I think it could be a lot better. Anyways, here it is:
What is Principle and How are principles important in your life?
What is a principle, and how are they important in my life. Well, principles, by definition are the basic truths, rules, and standards by which a person forms his or her character off of. In truth, they are a little more complex than that. I personally consider principles to be more related to a persons morals. They almost work hand in hand. Like morals they give us substance to justify our actions by. They are the hidden rules books buried deep within our subconscious, only truthfully surfacing when we are face with a great dilemma.
Let's say you found a twenty dollar bill on the ground. The problem that challenges our principles, and morals, would be either to look for the bill's owner or pocket the money and be about your merry way. Now this situation isn't a "great dilemma" of sorts, but it is a simplified way of looking at principles without getting into some hot topics. Now, back to the question. What is a principle, it can't just be your morals and your own personal rules to life. Adding to my polygonal concept of principles, they are also one of the barriers separating right from wrong. I think that one thing most people consider principles to be, are set facts. Rules and laws that cannot be changed, like the principle of jet propulsion. But when dealing with the human condition, things are never set stone like that. This is why principles are one of the barriers separating, and often determining right from wrong. They are flexible and sometimes fickle things that allow us to judge...everything. This is what also allows us to be rather biased in certain situations.
Now you might be thinking, this is a rather lengthy report on morals, principles, right and wrong e.t.c. Well, to me, those are the things that make up principles, and vice versa. I cannot talk about principle with out morals and all the others, nor can I talk about them with out talking about principles. What may help understand my view point is changing the perspective on it. The same way principles can be applied to life changing situations, can be applied to opening the car door for a lady to enter, or pulling out the seat for her at the dinner table. The reason I didn't start simple with those analogies is because they are not set. You don't always remember to pull the seat out for the girl, or open the car door. But I suppose you would you would always choose to either keep that twenty or try and find the owner.
Principle are also always important. In my life, they guide my decisions, and lead me to the best course action. Its a little synonymous with Moses, in the bible, climbing the mountain to receive the ten commandments. In the same way, our conscious mind scales the peaks and valleys of our brain to retrieve its commandments, its rules, from our subconscious and true self.
Monday, June 18, 2012
In The Beginning
They say in the beginning was the word, and the word is knowledge. Now, I don't consider myself to particularly knowledgeable, but I feel like I know enough. Enough to hopefully leave people with a little more than they had before. Advice and Entertainment are my main goals, so don't hold me to anything, well maybe my advice. Like the title of my blog refers, everything I write will be according to me. Not like "oh hey, here's what wrong with society and how I can make it better and blah, blah, blah." I offer no cure to society. Its simply how I view the world, it's Life, my life for the most part. Anyways, formal introduction; "Hi, my name is Tsiambwom Mbeh Akuchu. My friends call me T, hence the title of my blog. (Fun Fact: I am the only person in the world...so far...with my name. It's transferred through the bloodline of my family.When a person dies, the next child born gets the name. Its like a...family inheritance.)
Now for some reasons why my take on Life is bloggable. A little background is in order I suppose. I was born in Yaounde, the capital city of Cameroon. Its a little country off the coast of central west Africa. I moved to the United States when I was about eight and a half years old and since then, Life has had its ups and downs. Living the American dream is much harder than it looks in the movies. You know, when I think about Cameroon, it wasn't too bad there. Actually, sometimes I think Life was a little better. There. Out in the village, my life was simple. I'd wake up with the sun, take the animals out to feed, stop by the farm and did what I could to help, and then spend the day walking the village with my cousins Later, we'd stop by the sugar cane farm for a treat, and walk the lands of my tribe. Sundown, we went home and prepared to do it all over the next day. It wasn't much, but I loved it. Now of course America has its perks, electricity being one of the major ones. But here, I know that I won't ever really have what I had back then. Simplicity and Happiness. It won't be the same. Now I'm being just a little depressing, but this is my home I'm talking about. I'll save the childhood memories for another post. Now as most people reading this know, America has its own brand of happiness, one I'm still trying to figure out. Ok then, moving on.
Into the now. Here is the other half of my introduction. I'm T. Currently I am a college student at Georgia Southern. A small-ish university in South Georgia. Statesboro to be precise. I am a double major in Journalism and Theatre. I sing, I dance, I act. Not much else to say past that. Most of the time that's what I'll blog about. Like I said earlier, this blog is about...Life. My Life. Life according to T.
Now for some reasons why my take on Life is bloggable. A little background is in order I suppose. I was born in Yaounde, the capital city of Cameroon. Its a little country off the coast of central west Africa. I moved to the United States when I was about eight and a half years old and since then, Life has had its ups and downs. Living the American dream is much harder than it looks in the movies. You know, when I think about Cameroon, it wasn't too bad there. Actually, sometimes I think Life was a little better. There. Out in the village, my life was simple. I'd wake up with the sun, take the animals out to feed, stop by the farm and did what I could to help, and then spend the day walking the village with my cousins Later, we'd stop by the sugar cane farm for a treat, and walk the lands of my tribe. Sundown, we went home and prepared to do it all over the next day. It wasn't much, but I loved it. Now of course America has its perks, electricity being one of the major ones. But here, I know that I won't ever really have what I had back then. Simplicity and Happiness. It won't be the same. Now I'm being just a little depressing, but this is my home I'm talking about. I'll save the childhood memories for another post. Now as most people reading this know, America has its own brand of happiness, one I'm still trying to figure out. Ok then, moving on.
Into the now. Here is the other half of my introduction. I'm T. Currently I am a college student at Georgia Southern. A small-ish university in South Georgia. Statesboro to be precise. I am a double major in Journalism and Theatre. I sing, I dance, I act. Not much else to say past that. Most of the time that's what I'll blog about. Like I said earlier, this blog is about...Life. My Life. Life according to T.
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