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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Just One of the Girls

     Hey there friendly neighborhood bloggers. It's about that time again.In my update post a couple days ago, I talked about my summer job. Well, more correctly, I mentioned it in passing, but I did say it.

     The job I have is with the university, through the housing program. What I basically do is clean the residence halls on campus and prepare them for the incoming freshman in the fall. We also clean after various summer programs that use the residence halls on campus. Let me go on a quick tangent here for a second or two. Now, I appreciate this this job. I get paid, 8.50 an hour and the people are great, which I'll get to later in this post....BUT, college students can be....unsanitary to say it mildly. It takes a hard soul, strong mind,  an incredible force of will, and an iron stomach to clean up after college students. DISCLAIMER: what I'm about to describe might make the strongest of you uneasy. I have seen things. Things that would make a grown man cry. Things that should not have to exist but they do. Things so evil....Have you ever walked into a room and get hit in the face with a smell so disgusting it physically shakes you. It sends a chill down your spine and rocks your very core? Have you ever walked into a bathroom to find what generally would be an opaque shower curtain, black and spotted like a leopard....and find the toilet the same? I apologize but this probably is my first and last time working this job. Oh well, tangent over.

     Now, to my main point of this post. My co-workers. At work we the student workers are put into teams of workers to clean the dorms and apartments, and our teams are supervised by team leaders, the permanent work staff at Southern. I had started work a few days late, and when I got there, I was randomly assigned a team. As it turns out I was assigned to a group of all girls. Which mind you, I don't mind. In the past month and half of work our team has grown from 3 workers, not including our supervisor, also a woman to 6. All girls. Only team like mine.

     I have spent this summer learning the intricacies of a girls mind....a black girl's mind. All my coworkers are very strong, independent and free thinking black women. I have come to discover that there are very few differences between a guy and a girl, despite the anatomical. I have found out that girls can be just as vulgar, lewd, and twisted as a guys. They are also funny, and smart, and quite frankly better than guys....sometimes. And after listening to my team members talk, I really don't understand what girls see in guys. The amount of....crap girls put up with from guys is ridiculous. I don't don't even think we're worth it.

     It also seems that I've been readily accepted as one of the girls...well considering I am outnumbered 6 to 1. But, for the most part, whether I like it or not, I'm one of the girls. I'm privy to the details of girls lives that many guys don't get to experience. From talking about shopping and getting hair and nails done, to personal problems about guys and health. It's an interesting world. Sometimes I don't even think they realize I'm there. Just the other day, they were discussing skin tones and tans and talking about how light their skin gets on the parts of their body that stays covered up. I almost thought that they were gonna lift up their shirts and show each other what they were talking about, and I was quite flustered and kinda just sank into the corner. I mean....I guess that's just the way it is.

      If by this summer I have learned anything, I would like to think that I learned a little something about girls. Well, women. Anyways, I'll finish out this post for now. Tomorrow is another day of work. Thanks for reading, and stay tuned.


  1. This is great. haha.

    I know your pain though, I was a CL in Kennedy, and cleaning up after the football team was not an easy task!

    Our staff was also mostly girls, and working the late night shift from 7pm - 2am with them led to some of the most interesting...and terrifying...discussions I've ever had!

    Good times though, I wouldn't trade them for the world.

    1. haha, thank you. I see you understand what I'm saying. I used to live in kennedy by the way.
