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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Here We Go Again

 After a 3 year hiatus, guess who's back for season two of this blog!?


...Can I insert gifs in this thing?

But really, it's been a how much can happen in three years you say? Let's play a quick game of catch up shall we. I'm back and about 20 times better than you last read about me

               When last we left our budding protagonist (that's me) I was in the middle of a summer job moving into my junior year of college. I had just taken a year-long break from acting, and started back up that summer, playing Orlando in As You Like It, (that was a trip). Had a brief stint as Hamlet there for a while, did a whole lot of dancing, blah blah blah, graduated college and now I'm in grad school. Don't worry the blah blah blahs will be filled in over time, as well as the whole Hamlet thing.

               So here I am, I've just finished my first year of grad school, in Acting, what what! *raises the roof like it's 2005* If you can't quite tell yet, I've changed. A lot. Oh, and also I'm in Montana. Yeah, I'll get to that later too. I feel I should have warned you, my dearest reader, of how very stream of consciousness this post was going to be...but hey, where's the fun in that? You guys have missed some major landmarks, cause I was too lazy to push the buttons on my laptop. So yeah, the last three years. There's been fun, laughter, homework, endless papers, girls ( I'll talk about some very important moments in my recaps. no worries, no real names or accounts. just pseudo-fictional stories in relation to my experiences. *imagine I just burst out into an ad-libbed song for this next sentence* It's gonna get personal.), alcohol, some interesting and frankly bizarre adventures (remind me to tell you about some hypothetical parties I've been to. Like the party I ended up at in the hills outside of town the first weekend in Montana or the one time I ended up an after after party that was fueled by some less than reputable substances.) You know I think every story I tell will be hypothetical and pseudo-fictional. It is a crazy time in my life right now, and I'm barely following it. Everything is new...kinda, and different...sorta, and very vivid. I am not the nineteen-year-old undergrad that started this blog, and who knows what I'll be by the time I graduate with my MFA. I still can't understand feelings but I feel A LOT of them and the more I live life the less I expect it to go the way I planned. Oh well. I will say this, in grad school, I have never felt simultaneously more idiotic and well-learned at the same time. I was told that was normal for grad school. It's about 3 am right now and I am writing this from behind a mountain of books I checked out from the library this semester.

               Oh did I mention that I'm going on tour this summer with a children's theatre around the country? Life is crazy. In fact, I took a break from memorizing lines (which I'm not doing so hot on right now) to write up this post. So let me wrap up. Before I wrote up this post, I looked through my previous ones. I was...a very analytical kind of guy back then. These season's posts I can tell, while still being a touch analytical, will be a lot the moment. Storylike. Kinda like a diary or memoir if you will. So expect lot's of stories, and from the way my life is going, lot's of crazy ones. So join me please as we explore the human condition that is life. Life from the very singular perspective of my existence. Life according to me....get it?

one more gif so I feel well rounded: Until later blog fans